BRAND AWARDS (click here to nominate via Google Forms)


2023 Brand of the Year | Large
2023 Brand of the Year | Small to Medium
2023 Boardshort Brand of the Year
2023 Swimwear Brand of the Year
2023 Sunglass Brand of the Year
2023 Footwear Brand of the Year

The Brand Awards recognise the surf industry’s leading brands. Brands will be voted on considering quality of products, marketing execution, customer and sales service, profitability and contribution to the surf and boardsports industry.

Each submission should include the following: 

  • Short description of brand
  • High resolution JPEG of logo

When voting, SBIA Retail Members should consider the following criteria:

  • Product sell-through
  • Retail value proposition
  • Innovation / progressiveness
  • Excellence in design / marketing / in-store product execution
  • Consumer engagement and interest in the brand
  • Are they easy to deal with? Do they provide a high level of sales support and customer service?

ENVIRONMENT AWARD (click here to nominate via Award Force)


The Environment Award recognises the outstanding environmental and sustainability initiative(s) within the business or community. The Environment Award is open to all products, brands/manufacturers and retailers. The initiative(s) must have been active during the previous 12 months. (3 August, 2022 to 4 August, 2023 when entries close).

Detailed answers and supporting material to the following questions are required: 

  1. Please provide an overview of the initiative, product or campaign. (0 points – context only)
  2. Explain the environmental issues that were considered and how they were addressed. Does your initiative go beyond what is expected of the law and regulation requirements? (maximum 25 points available)
  3. Describe the product or initiative’s originality, innovation and creativity in context to its environmental impact or benefits. (maximum 25 points available)
  4. How does the product or initiative measure its environmental impact? Whether through the manufacturing process, materials or usage of the product itself. (maximum 30 points available)
  5. Detail how the product or initiative has been communicated or marketed, how it elevates and displays leadership within the industry/society, and how this initiative engages people to go further for the environment. (maximum 20 points available)

PRODUCT INNOVATION AWARD (click here to nominate via Award Force)


The Product Innovation Award recognises the surf industry’s most outstanding product innovation. This category
is open to all products in all categories. Products must have been in the market place during the previous calendar year.

Detailed answers and supporting material to the following questions are required: 

  1. Detail whether the product is a modified version of an existing product, a new model in the existing
    product range, or a totally new product. (0 points – context only)
  2. Explain the product’s concept and design benefits. (maximum 10 points available)
  3. Detail the innovation elements and the impact the product has on the marketplace; sustainability,
    potential, any problem solving initiatives etc. (maximum 30 points available)
  4. Explain the value, need, differentiation and advantage this product has in the marketplace. (maximum 20 points available)
  5. Detail how the concept is delivered to the marketplace and its competitive advantage. (maximum 20 points available)
  6. Detail how you have communicated the initiative and how it elevates and displays leadership within
    the industry and society. (maximum 15 points available)

PRODUCT AWARDS AWARDS (click here to nominate via Google Forms)


2023 Wetsuit of the Year
2023 Surfboard of the Year
2023 Surfing Accessory of the Year

The Product Awards aim to acknowledge the exceptional products within each category, and the winners are determined through a retailer vote. SBIA Retail Members play a crucial role in the voting process, considering factors such as product innovation, design, and sales performance. To be eligible for the Product Awards, the nominated product must have been available in the market during the previous calendar year.

Surfing Accessory of the Year must be an accessory used in the sport of surfing, such as equipment that goes on or around the surfboard (this excludes soft goods and apparel).

SBIA Retail Members cast one vote ranking 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Each submission should include the following: 

  • Short description of brand
  • Product name
  • Product description
  • High resolution JPEG of logo / video link (vibe clip)

When voting, SBIA Retail Members should consider the following criteria:

  • Was the product innovative?
  • Was the product well designed?
  • Did the product sell/perform well in-store?

MARKETING AWARDS (click here to nominate via Award Force)


2023 Ladies Marketing Campaign of the Year
2023 Mens Marketing Campaign of the Year

The Marketing Awards recognise the surf industry’s best, most creative and progressive marketing campaign, leveraging all marketing disciplines (in-store, digital and print). Initiative(s) must have been active during the last 12 months. 

Marketing campaigns must be a specific campaign, such as “Brand – Campaign Name”. Marketing campaigns will be judged on creativity, brand image, execution and market positioning for print, digital and point-of-purchase material.  

Each submission should include the following: 

  • Answers to the below questions
  • High resolution JPEG images and video (vibe clip) link

Detailed answers and supporting material to the following questions:

  1. Was the campaign part of a global campaign rollout or a local campaign only? (0 points – context only)
  2. What were the two main goals of the campaign and how did you measure them? (maximum 20 points available)
  3. Explain the campaign value proposition and how it was conveyed. (maximum 20 points available)
  4. Explain the channels and activations that were utilised, how they interacted with each other and how they engaged with the end consumer. (maximum 25 points available)
  5. Explain how the campaign was enabled and delivered to your retail partner network. (maximum 15 points available)
  6. What elements of innovation were incorporated into the campaign? (maximum 20 points available)
  7. Please detail the outcomes and ROI of the campaign. (maximum 20 points available)

RETAIL AWARDS (click here to nominate via Google Forms)


2023 Australian Retailer of the Year | Single Store
2023 Australian Retailer of the Year | Multi Store
2023 Australian Retailer of the Year | Core Board Store

The national retail award categories recognise the surf and boardsport industry’s best-in-class retailer for that category.

Brands will be asked to nominate their top 10 retailers for this category. Retailers are also encouraged to self-nominate.  The Single, Multi and Core Board Store Retailer of the Year winners will be determined by a two-part process; firstly they are voted by brand members to establish 5 finalists.

These finalists must accept their nomination, then attend a Zoom interview, addressing the following set of weighted questions which will contribute to their overall score.

  1. Introduce yourself and explain your role within the business. Following, provide an overview of your business operation and history. Please also include what you sell and your point of difference. (1 min) – Value: 10 points
  2. Describe an example that shows us a goal you had for the business in growth and/or outcomes and how you achieved it. (1.5 mins) – Value: 20 points
  3. Describe your company values, ethics and expectations. Please provide an example of how this has contributed to the overall success of your business. (1.5 mins) – Value: 20 points
  4. Give an example of how you have used technology in your business. Examples could include development of a trading website or mobile app, creation of a customer app for a customer loyalty program, creation of a click and collect offer, creation of endless aisle etc. (1.5 minutes) – Value: 20 points
  5. Briefly explain with an example, over last 12 months, how your business monitors and manages quality, customer satisfaction, loyalty and value. This could include things such loyalty programs, VIP nights, store design, visual merchandising and community activities etc. (1.5 mins) – Value: 20 points
  6. Describe the goals, strategies and outcomes of the marketing activities you have implemented in the last 12 months. Please also describe the which communication channels you use and why. How do you differentiate your business in a crowded marketplace? Examples could include local communication sponsorship, the use of social media, building a customer database/loyalty program etc. (1.5 mins) – Value: 20 points
  7. Describe any innovations or forward-thinking initiatives you have implemented in the past 12 months. How have these improved or impacted your business? Please describe any initiatives improving sustainability, diversity, community or social responsibility. This may even include challenges you have faced. (1.5 mins) – Value: 20 points

STORE MANAGER OF THE YEAR (click here to nominate via Google Forms)


The Store Manager of the Year category shines a spotlight on the exceptional leaders who go above and beyond to create exceptional in-store experiences, drive sales, and foster a positive work environment. These individuals possess a unique blend of management skills, customer service acumen, and a passion for achieving outstanding results.

By introducing this category, we aim to acknowledge the pivotal role that store managers play in the success of businesses, and to honour their unwavering commitment to excellence. Their leadership and ability to motivate their teams directly impact customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and overall business growth.

The nomination process will be as follows:

  1. A senior representative from your company (e.g. Store Owner, Director, CEO) will be asked to nominate their Store Manager of the Year.
  2. Nominations will be analysed by the SBIA Awards Team to ensure validity.
  3. The senior representative of the company will be asked to complete a submission for their Store Manager of the Year.
  4. The submissions will be reviewed and scored by an independent judging panel.

The criteria for this award is as follows:

  1. The Store Manager must have been employed in your business for at least the past 12 months.
  2. The Store Manager must be nominated by a senior representative from your company (e.g. Store Owner, Director, CEO).
  3. Definition of Store Managers: All individuals in the position of Store Manager of a retail outlet (online or shopfront) operating in the Australian Surf and Boardsports Industry are eligible.
  4. Business owners who are the sole Store Manager do not qualify. Managers of multiple stores or Area Managers also do not qualify. Managers of purely online stores can enter if they could reasonably be defined as a store manager.
  5. The business must have been in operation for at least 12 months and continue to be in operation on 19 October 2023. You must notify us via if this changes.
  6. You must nominate one person in your organisation to be the primary contact for your entry.

Detailed answers and supporting material to the following questions are required:

  1. Your Business: Include a brief overview on the nature of your business and what you sell. Briefly outline why you believe your Manager deserves this award. (maximum 200 words) – Value: 10 points
  2. Retail Leadership: Describe how the Store Manager leads their store with exceptional retail acumen. Give examples of how the Store Manager operates the business daily and shows best practice in all aspects of their role. (maximum 400 words) – Value: 20 points
  3. Customer Experience: Describe how the Store Manager delivers great customer experience. Include measures or examples of how this is delivered and achieved. (maximum 200 words) – Value: 20 points
  4. Culture: Tell us how the Store Manager creates employee satisfaction and culture within the store. Please include examples or measures of how this is achieved. (maximum 200 words) – Value: 20 points
  5. Successful Business Performance: How does the Store Manager deliver successful bottom-line results whilst demonstrating a sound knowledge of the retail sector? (maximum 200 words) – Value: 20 points
  6. Supporting Material: You can choose to attach a maximum of three (3) x A4 pages that provide evidence or support your submission above e.g. charts, images, testimonials, reports. NB: The visual design of the attachment will not factor into judging. Value: 20 points

SALES AND CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARDS (click here to nominate via Google Forms)


2023 Sales and Customer Service Office of the Year
2023 Australian Account Manager of the Year
2023 Australian Sales Agency of the Year

The Sales & Customer Service Awards recognise the industry’s best Sales & Customer Service Office and Sales Representative or Agency. Sales and Customer Service Awards are voted by retailers and we ask them to consider the support and customer service received.

When voting, SBIA Retail Members should consider the following criteria:

  • Do they understand your business needs?
  • Do they work with you to achieve a collaborative outcome?
  • Do they help drive sales through your business?
  • Do they provide your business with outstanding customer support?

SHOP FIT OUT OF THE YEAR (click here to nominate via Award Force)


The Shop Fit Out of the Year Award recognises the achievements of retailers or brands in the boardsports industry who complete and deliver a new store fit-out or a re-design of an existing store concept over the past 2 years. As visual elements of a retail business are clearly linked to productivity and profitability, the SBIA Shop Fit Out of the Year Award recognises the leader in-store design, customer experience and delivery of the project.

Detailed answers and supporting material to the following questions is required: 

  1. Provide an overview of your business operation and history and your role within the business. Please include details of whether this project has been a refurbishment of an existing location or a completely new location. (0 points – context only)
  2. Detail the planning process that was undertaken to achieve the final result including space planning, design process, project delivery and any issues or unique considerations i.e sustainability, better lighting, technology innovation, creative concepts to improve sales, adaptability for future growth. etc. (maximum 20 points available)
  3. Provide an overview of the extent of the store fit out and what was involved in the project. Please also note in your response, any external contractors who were involved in the project i.e. designer, interior designer, technology specialist etc. (maximum 20 points available)
  4. Describe the design intent/aesthetics in your brief. Explain how this aligns with the value proposition, how it reflects your point of difference as a business and how it enhances the customer experience. You may like to include how the design of the store and the product positioning contributed to increased revenue. (maximum 30 points available)
  5. Detail the design elements and materials, including sustainability considerations, cutting edge technology and innovative aspects highlighting the unique elements that have been included in the approach and how this has enhanced the customer experience. Please also include whether you were able to integrate Australian made/manufactured materials and any local tradespeople or specialist master tradespeople. (maximum 30 points available)