‘Surf Shop Day is the day to celebrate the independent retailers that helped build and continue to maintain the surf industry. These surf shops are where so many of us found our surf stoke, the euphoric smell of surf wax, neoprene wetsuits, and resin curing from a fresh batch of surfboards’
The Count Down is on to Surf Shop Day!!! Retailers are you ready? Brands, have you connected with your retailers to get involved?
Surf Shop Day is a special occasion honouring the independent retailers that have been the backbone of the surf industry. It’s a day to celebrate the passion, dedication, and hard work of everyone involved in bringing the stoke of surfing to communities worldwide.


Let’s get behind Surf Shop Day 2024 and celebrate the surf retailers that fuel the passion for surfing!

To obtain the Social Media Tool Kit and creative collateral, please download here


Please share all your Surf Shop Day Celebrations across social media by tagging @australiansurfindustry @surf_industry #SurfShopDay #SurfIndustry

“If surfing is religion, then surf shops are the temples of stoke.”

Shaun Tomson